Monday, May 24, 2010

Just a few thoughts...

It is a gorgeous May evening...and I am taking a break from packing for Turkey!  Hard to believe I leave with Peg & Dave and Charley & Dee Dee on Thursday to visit John & Rose!  It's been a busy week and it's only Monday!!  Last night of course was the Lost finale...would have loved it soooo much more if ABC would not have had technical difficulties!  What a night for that to happen!  There is much to say on the series finale and I'm sure next time we're all together, we will discuss and discuss and discuss!!!  A few word summary:  life, death, love, redemption!

Tomorrow we honor mom one year's going to be a mixed feeling kind of day.  melancholy, sad, happy to be thinking of her too.  I'll miss the anniversary of dad's death on June 9 - but am grateful that I'll be with Peg, Dave & John.  We'll actually be leaving John that day to go back to Istanbul to fly home the next day.

I wanted to post now and update the birthdays, anniversaries...since I'll be gone til June 10!  Til then...adios!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great trip!!!!! Say Hello to John and Rose! We'll be waiting for posts from Turkey!!
